Privacy Policy

Dear User,

Your privacy is very important to B.M.P. srl Program Service and we guarantee that the treatment of personal data on the site, which corresponds to the home page of B.M.P. srl Program Service's web site, (together, the "Site") takes place in respect of your rights, with particular reference to confidentiality, personal identity and the right to protection of personal data.

In this regard, we provide this Privacy Policy where you will find some guidelines on management of our web site as regards processing the personal data of users that visit us. This information is provided - also in pursuance of Section 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 (Italian Data Protection Authority) and on the basis of the Garante's decision "Simplified Arrangements to Provide Information and Obtain Consent Regarding Cookies" - 8 may 2014.

The information provided only applies to our web site and does not concern any web sites that may be visited by an user via externallinks.

The information provided is also based on the guidelines contained in Recommendation no. 2/2001, which was adopted on 17 May 2001 by the European data protection authorities within the Working Party set up under Article 29 of European Directive 95/46/EC in order to lay down minimum requirements for the collection of personal data online - especially with regard to arrangements, timing and contents of the information to be provided by data controllers to users visiting web pages for whatever purpose.

Place Where Data Is Processed

The processing operations related to the web-based services that are made available via this website are carried out at the aforementioned office of B.M.P. srl Program Service exclusively by technical staff in charge of said processing, or else by persons tasked with such maintenance activities as may be necessary from time to time. No personal data that is provided by web-based services is communicated or diffused.

Purpose of data processing

Any personal data that is provided by users requesting to be sent information materials (such as contact forms, requests for quotation, newsletters, answers to questions, etc.) is only used to provide the service and/or discharge the tasks requested.

No personal data that is provided by web-based services is communicated or diffused.

Categories of Processed Data Navigation Data

The information systems and software procedures relied upon to operate this web site acquire personal data as part of their standard functioning; the transmission of such data is an inherent feature of Internet communication protocols.
Such information is not collected in order to relate it to identified data subjects, however it might allow user identification per se after being processed and matched with data held by third parties.
This data category includes IP addresses and/or the domain names of the computers used by any user connecting with this web site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the requested resources, the time of such requests, the method used for submitting a given request to the server, returned file size, a numerical code relating to server response status (successfully performed, error, etc.), and other parameters related to the user's operating system and computer environment.
These data are only used to extract anonymous statistical information on website use as well as to check its functioning; they are erased immediately after being processed. The data might be used to establish liability in case computer crimes are committed against the website.

Data Provided Voluntarily by Users

Sending e-mail messages to the addresses mentioned on this website, which is done on the basis of a freely chosen, explicit, and voluntary option, entails acquisition of the sender's address, which is necessary in order to reply to any request, as well as of such additional personal data as is contained in the message(s).


Specific information about how we use cookies, and how you can refuse our cookies, is set out in the following section "Cookies and Similar Technologies".

Cookies and Similar Technologies

This section describes how B.M.P. srl Program Service, our partners, and our other third parties use Cookies and Similar Technologies.


Cookies are small text files that are sent to the user's terminal equipment (usually to the user's browser) by visited websites; they are stored in the user's terminal equipment to be then re-transmitted to the websites on the user's subsequent visits to those websites. When navigating a website, a user may happen to receive cookies from other websites or web servers, which are the so-called "third party" cookies. This happens because the visited website may contain items that are located on servers other than the one where the page being visited is stored.

Duration of cookies

Some cookies (session cookies) operate to the end of that particular web browsing session and they are automatically deleted when you close your Internet browser. Other cookies do not expire when you close your browser and they are available between browsing sessions. These cookies are called "persistent" Cookies and their and their length of time is fixed by server at the moment of their creation. In some cases, they have a expiry date, in other cases the duration is unlimited.

Types of cookies

For the purposes of Personal Data Protection Code, cookies may be distinguished into two major group: "technical" cookies and "profiling" cookies.

Technical Cookies

Technical cookies are those used exclusively with a view to "carrying out the transmission of a communication on an electronic communications network, or insofar as this is strictly necessary to the provider of an information society service that has been explicitly requested by the contracting party or user to provide the said service." (see Section 122(1) of the Code).
They are not used for further purposes and are usually installed directly by the data controller or the website manager.
Certain operations could not be performed without cookies, which in some cases are therefore necessary for technical reasons. For instance, it would be much more complex and less secure to access home banking services and check one's bank statement, transfer money, pay bills, etc. without using cookies that allow identifying the specific user and keeping such identification throughout the web session.

They can be grouped in:

  • Browsing or session cookies, which allow users to navigate and use a website (e.g. to purchase items online or authenticate themselves to access certain sections). Disabling these Cookies will encumber the Sites' performance and may make the features and service unavailable.
  • Analytics cookies, which can be equated to technical cookies insofar as they are used directly by the website manager to collect aggregate information on the number of visitors and the pattern of visits to the website.
  • Functional cookies, which allow users to navigate as a function of certain pre-determined criteria such as language or products to be purchased so as to improve the quality of service.

Users' prior consent is not necessary to install these cookies, whilst information under Section 13 of the code has to be provided in the manner considered to be most appropriate by the website manager – if only such cookies are relied upon.

Profiling Cookies

Profiling cookies are aimed at creating user profiles. They are used to send ads messages in line with the preferences shown by the user during navigation. In the light of the highly invasive nature of these cookies vis-à-vis users' private sphere, Italian and European legislation requires users to be informed appropriately on their use so as to give their valid consent..

Cookie di terze parti

When navigating a website, a user may happen to receive cookies from other websites or web servers, which are the so-called "third party" cookies.
As an example, there may be cookies due to Google Analytics services or cookies due to social plugin (such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ e LinkedIn), generally with contents sharing purposes.

How the website uses cookies and their purposes

This site of B.M.P. srl Program Service does not use cookies profiling own.
The website could sometimes use technical cookies, among which especially session cookies (such as JSESSIONID, PHPSESSIONID, ASPSESSIONID, Flash Cookie and so on) that are erases closing the browser, so as to offer services such as reserved areas authentication or products selection in the sell chart.
This kind of cookies can be disabled or erased according to the browser settings, as explained hereafter. Cookies disabling may negatively affect websites performances and may block some functionalities and services.

Third parts cookies are then installed for the following purposes: social network interactions and external platforms, statistics, payment management systems and content displaying from external sources.
For this kind of cookies, thus being always possible the disabling via the browser settings, here you can find the links to the full version disclosure and to third parts consent modules that install cookies.

Google Analytics Third Parties - Persistent Statistical analysis and reporting Google Link Link
Facebook Third Parties - Persistent Sharing our content with social network Facebook Link Sign in to your account. Privacy section.
Twitter Third Parties - Persistent Sharing our content with social network Twitter Link Link

The above mentioned links may undergo changes not due to B.M.P. srl Program Service. Information is nevertheless available using a search browser.

How to disable cookies

You can decide whether or not to accept Cookies. One way you can do this is through your Internet browser's settings. Most Internet browsers allow some control (view, enable, disable and remove) of most Cookies through the browser settings.

For example, in Firefox, through the menu Tools > Options > Privacy, you can access to control panel where you can define whether to accept different types of cookies and proceed to their removal.

The following web sites provide information on how to adjust the Cookies settings on some popular browsers:

The above mentioned links may undergo changes not due to B.M.P. srl Program Service. Information is nevertheless available using a search browser.

If your browser is not listed, please refer to cookies information available on the browser itself. If you are using a mobile phone, please refer to its instruction manual.

After disabling cookies via your browser, remind to erase the ones already existing before deletion.

Adobe Flash Player is a software for multimedia content display. Websites using Adobe Flash Player may install in user’s devices files useful to register settings, preferences and use templates, as other existing cookies. These files are generally told cookie Flash or Local Shared Object (LSO) Flash. Useful tips on how to handle with LSO Flash here: .

Newsletter sending technologies

Email marketing or newsletter in html format received by this domain may use technologies to register data on aperture statistics or link clicking contained in the mail itself.
For instance, there may be transparent images of 1 pixel (web beacon o clear gif).
It is possible to change the way you receive this kind of information from the B.M.P. srl Program Service to avoid the data picking, selecting (if available) only the text version of messages, avoiding clicking on web links, disabling the automatic downloading of images into the mail client.

Optional Data Provision

Subject to the specifications made with regard to navigation data, users are free to provide the personal data either to be entered in the application forms submitted to the Office or referred to in contacting the Office to request delivery of information materials and other communications.
Failure to provide such data may entail the failure to be provided with the items requested.

Processing Arrangements

Personal data is processed with automated means for no longer than is necessary to achieve the purposes for which it has been collected. Specific security measures are implemented to prevent the data from being lost, used unlawfully and/or inappropriately, and accessed without authorisation.

Data Subjects' Rights

Data subjects are entitled at any time to obtain confirmation of the existence of personal data concerning them and be informed of their contents and origin, verify their accuracy, or else request that such data be supplemented, updated or rectified (Section 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003). 
The above Section also provides for the right to request erasure, anonymisation or blocking of any data that is processed in breach of the law as well as to object in all cases, on legitimate grounds, to processing of the data. 
All requests should be sent to the data controller, B.M.P. srl Program Service, by e-mail at .

Use our Site by minors

Your use of the Web Site will be deemed to be a representation that you are 18 years of age or older or using the Site with the permission of your parent or guardian. We require that all purchases be made either by individuals 18 years of age or older or by minors given verifiable permission by their parent or legal guardian to purchase items on the Site.

Changes to this policy

B.M.P. srl Program Service may change this Privacy Notice in order to reflect changes in national and/or community legislation or to adapt to technological innovations. Any changes will be posted on this page always available through the link located on the home page of the Site. We encourage you to read carefully this Privacy Notice and to periodically review it for any modifications.

This site use technical and third part cookies for statistic, advertising and operative purpose to improve your experience and offer services closer to your preferences. By closing this banner, scrolling or clicking anywhere on this page you agree with the cookies policy and terms of service. To know more about cookies and setting your preferences go to: Privacy Policy
